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These system variables are configurable in 3 ways.

  1. In the configuration file (by default this is the autoflow.conf file in the data folder within the install location)
  2. On the settings page within the products UI (this writes the values into the configuration file)
  3. As shell variables with the prefix AUTOFLOW_ (for instance AUTOFLOW_CONFIG_FILE)

The CONFIG_FILE variable is unique in that it is only usable as a shell variable since the configuration file itself defines the other variables. Shell variables override the variables in the configuration file.


Used to set the initial password and bypass the first user page. Requires ADMIN_USERNAME to be set as well.


Used to set an initial username and bypass the first user page. Requires ADMIN_PASSWORD to be set as well.


This file is used to automatically load solutions during bootup. This variable is predominantly used in docker deployments. The file itself can be created by downloading a config from an existing installation. This value will be ignored if configuration already exists but can be forced to be used with BOOT_FILE_REPLACES_CONFIG.


Determines whether the BOOT_FILE should replace existing config. The value can be 'true' or 'false'.


A comma separated list of hosts to include in the cluster. Only used if CLUSTER_MODE is 'hosts'.


The polling interval to maintain the cluster in kubernetes. Only used if CLUSTER_MODE is 'kubernetes'.